Dear parents,
Hope you had a nice long weekend. Though it has been a day short we had fun exploring different activities. In our large group we were introduced to zoo phonics. For small group we went number shopping in math, in literacy we drew our thoughts in our journals then in science the students were curious to learn about tempreture so we had a variety of ways to analyse different temperatures.

Quotes from pre k
"my friend in Madagascar told me iguana's live 150 years"
"you know that animal that changes it's colour, i wish i can do that!"
"when the ice melts its the same colour as the water. You know why it melts? because the ice is cold and the water is hot."
"I made a nice house its for the ones who don't have a house"
Next week schedules

Small groups
Mon- Cooperative games
Tue- Math
Thurs- Literacy
Fri- Science
Specials: - Monday music
Friday Art
Reminders: Please send old clothes and shoes for art on Friday.
Please remember to return books on Wednesdays.
Since it’s getting sunny put on sunscreen for the kids and send hats.
Remember to pick your kids on time both for lunch(12:00-12:30) and afternoon classes(3:00-3:30).

Have a nice weekend!