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Infants and Toddlers

Dear Parents,

It was another great week here at Little Einstein's. The children had a lovely time. They were happy to see their friend and teachers.

Large group

We enjoyed our large group having lots of fun. We made a big circle and greeting friends with a ‘Good Morning’ song and we did the same song and finger play and read the same books.

Small group

This week for small group we did Movement, Lagos fun, Art, Sorting color and Ice with Paint. For movement we put different color of square mat and the children were hoping in to the colored of mat by calling the name of the color and having a lot of fun. For Lagos fun the children were exploring with the different color of Lagos and they were staking and make house, car, tower and very long train and at the same time we are learning the name of the color. This week for art the children made a bracelet with the color of beads and pipe cleaner and they enjoyed their time by putting the pipes in to the beads trying different way.

Work Time

Camping, Cars and construction, Magnets and Blocks, Ocean Centre

Next Week Schedules

Monday- Color hoping (Movement)

Tuesday- Frozen water Beads (Science)

Wednesday- Art

Thursdays- Gardening

Friday- Counting Math

Reminder: -

  • Every Wednesday please make sure your child wears old cloths and shoe.

  • We will send out library book and make sure to send it back on Thursday

  • If you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.

Hannah, Eyasu, Eyrus

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