Pre K
Dear parents,
This week was superb. Our small group was filled with explorations and fun activities. We are excited to start world center and finally ready to invite parents to join us. We are proud to announce parents who would like to spare few minutes of their day to come and talk about certain things about their country is known for like:- food, animals, landmarks, clothing and other facts in our work time. You can bring photos, clothes, traditional food, printed pictures and videos. We would appreciate it if you let us know early so that we can schedule a day per country.
Quotes and dreams from pre k
“Dolphins are excellent at bouncing balls on the tip of their nose and can swim in swirling pool.”
“The palace guards in England have a funny hat full of hair.”
“When we were driving today my dad was not fast enough to hold the break so we smash another car, guess he is not good at all.”
“In my dream I stole my dad’s car and drive it with my friend and we got lost then when we find home my dad said, don’t touch my car!”
“Is it fasting today? My dad said people fast.” When we told him yes it is he responded then “I am fasting.”
Next week plans
Mondays – Cooperative games
Tuesdays- Math
Wednesdays- Library
Mondays- art
Fridays – art
Reminders: - No school on Thursday and Friday due to mid term long break.
Return library folders on Wednesdays.
Please send boxes for our ocean centers.
Have a great week!!