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The Kindergarten Weekly News

Dear parents,

What a great week we had! It was fun to have the rain outside as it cooled us a bit! Our pre-k friends Saima, Ruby, Anne and Blythe will be joining our class starting from Monday!

We are so excited to celebrate our carnival themed family day! Everyone was so busy this week planning and decorating for the celebration! Get ready for some fun!!! We will be closed on March 2nd for Victory at Adwa.

Small group explorations

We joined our fellow pre-k and preschool friends on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to decorate the banners and choose areas of the school compound where we will be selling lemonade, popcorn, cookies, cotton candy and face paint.

In our science class this week we completed the naked egg experiment. We used raw egg, a tall clear glass and a bottle of vinegar. We carefully placed the egg into the glass and poured vinegar on one glass and water on the other raw egg. We observed this experiment after 24hrs and found out the following:

  • Noticed that the egg’s shell has completely dissolved, leaving a soft, rubbery translucent raw egg.

  • The vinegar has permeated the eggs size to increase.

  • The eggs shell has turned into a dark brown slimy looking texture.

  • When we smashed both the eggs, the colour, size, smell and texture of the yolk didn't change.

Have a great week!!!

Maraki 0911-48-76-81 (

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