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Preschool class this week,

Dear parents,

We had a nice week! We are so happy to see Camilla and Jessi back to school, we missed them very much!

School will be closed on Monday the 9th of April (Ethiopian Easter Celebration)

All About this week,

This time of the day is by the far the most exciting time for the preschoolers, to sit down and share ideas and talk about what plans we have. We are still investigating more on our body parts, shapes and books.

We also enjoyed our Math class, where we continued working on matching shapes. We fell so proud as we see the class working in groups, helping and challenging them selves to do better.

For Science class we continued our interesting topic of body parts, this week we went through different magazines to see if we can find different body parts. We enjoyed cutting using scissors and sticking it on a paper. We loved talking and sharing ideas on how all people are different.

Our music class was so much fun. We continued playing ‘Mr. Fox’ and we also introduce a new game ‘Duck Duck and Gooses’ we loved running and chasing our friends around.

We also enjoyed our library time where we took turns in reading books and sharing our own stories. We also check out or favorite books home so we can read with our parents

Next week plans,

Monday- No school (Easter celebration)

Tuesday- Math (Number flags)

Wednesday- Journals (Sharing stories)

Thursday- Science (Exploring with body parts)

Friday – library (check out day)


Tuesday- Music (Cooperative games)

Thursday- Art (Individual work)


As you may have noticed the weather her fluctuates a lot during the day between hot and cold, we ask that you send your child with layers that they can take off and put on accordingly!

Thursday is our art day, please make sure child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities might get messy.

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Preschool team

Negede, Liya and Eyerus

Negede (+251 911 968 881)

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