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This week in preschool

Dear parents,

We would like to say thank you to all the parents for joining us on Saturday for art auction and thank you for sending donations even if you couldn’t make it, we appreciate your contributions it means a lot!

As the school year is coming to and end, we are having parent/teacher conferences on the 25th and 28th of May. Please schedule a time with me before the 23rd. We are also having individual and group pictures on the 21st and 22nd.

With summer just around the corner, we are now happy to offer our Sumner camp. We have different exciting activities prepared. Please register before June 12. For more information call me!

Next week plans

Monday- Literacy (Zoo phonics’)

Tuesday- Math (Measurement)

Wednesday- Journals (Sharing Stories)

Thursday- Science (Experiments)

Friday – Library (Check out day)


Tuesday-Music (Cooperative games)

Thursday- Art (Individual work)

Friday- Library


As you may have noticed the weather here fluctuates a lot during the day between hot and cold, we ask that you send your child with extra layers so that they can take off and put on accordingly!

Thursday is our Art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send Library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Preschool team Negede, Liya and Eyerus

Negede (+251 911 968 881)

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