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The most fun part of being a teacher is looking at your class and they have this same sync among them and they enjoy each other’s company. This week has been so much fun as they are becoming close with their classmates and have a better understanding of our daily routine.

Our small group allowed us to explore with different colors. We loved mixing them and guessing what colors we could make. “Mine is dark now, it’s not a color anymore” “Yay I got dark… what Purple is this? is it dark purple?” They are quotes that made us laugh.

The peak of this week was that we started specials. In Art we did scribbling this week to work on our fine motor skill, the plan is to gradually evolve into painting and group projects. Also we had music, the details I will be saving till next weeks' blog (If you're curious and can’t wait, talk to your children about it!) We also checked out library books this week. Our library day is on Thursdays. I would like to encourage parents to use this time to read books with their kids over the weekend and have special bond. It’s a challenge our Little Einstein’s Teachers would like to extend to parents soon.

P.S:- Our Music day has been moved to Thursdays.

Specials schedule

Tuesdays- Art

Thursdays- Music

Reminders: - Please send extra layers of cloth due to unpredicted weather.

  • Please send sun screen and hats.

Have a super weekend!!

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