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Pre school and Early Pre-k

Dear parents,

Happy Ethiopian New Year! We had so much fun this week while celebrating Ethiopian New Year. The children were so excitedly engaged with the whole ceremony specially in singing the traditional song ‘Enkutatash’. Our groups were asking when the next Enkutatash is going to be because the want to eat popcorn again!!

Our large group this week

It’s always good and fun to see kid’s imagination and to hear what they have been doing over the weekends. We had fun conversation about how we spent the weekends and some of them said that they were sitting and watching paw patrol over and over and over again!’ and some were playing a character in their favourite movie ‘ I was the car and my brother was a cat!!’ and some of them were very excited about their family and said "Tesfaey my daddy is going to buy me a baby girl".

Our small group this week

We have been doing some outside activities like we did last week but this time we had fun playing and moving while playing ‘parachute’ and throwing balls in the box. Our science exploration was in the light box with some colour coins and cubes, they got very creative and took the activities to making houses which has a kitchen, store, upstairs and downstairs, and has many many doors and windows. In our literacy we did tracing with sand and tried to make different lines and curves.

Next week plans

Mon- Cooperative games

Tue- Math

Wed- Science

Thu- Litrecy

Fri- Library


Mon- Music

Wed- Art


  • Please make sure to send extra clothes and shoes for our messy activities.

  • Please remember to send Library folders on Fridays' for check outs.

  • Please make sure to send Boots and Jackets for the rainy weather.

Have a Great Weekend!

Miraf +251 921 259 175

Tesfaey +251 920 505 243

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