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Pre-School and Early Pre-K

Dear Parents,

Happy Meskel! We had an amazing celebration and we would like to thank all the parents who came to celebrate with us. It was so much fun for our children and at the same time very surprising! Some of them said, “Fire in the school…cool!” We finally finish with our sunflower garden, million Hi five for us!

Our large group this week.

It’s always good to meet new friends; we welcome our new friends to our new group Saeed and Adam. We had fun talking about squirrels which they got the inspiration from our favorite song “Little Squirrel”.

Our small group this week

We had so much fun balancing water balloons while walking on a line! We have been practicing making patterns for the last two weeks and we improved so much. Wednesday was all about being together and celebrateing Meskel which turned out to be great.


  • Please make sure to send extra clothes and shoes for our messy activities.

  • Please remember to send Library folders on Fridays' for check outs.

  • Please make sure to send Boots and Jackets for the rainy weather.

Have a Nice Weekend!!

Prechool and Early Pre-k Team.

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