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Early Preschool this week

Dear parents

It was a pleasure to welcome the little Einstein’s community back to school!. We hope you enjoyed your holidays. We are so happy to welcome Dominic to our group.

Large group

Our large group this week was very exciting. We enjoyed sharing our experience about the trip we took to different parts of the worlds. The kids were excited to be back to our classroom to see the decorations and the plants we have sowed before the break.

Small Group

Math – this week we refreshed our know-how about patterns and also introduced a much complex pattern using our colorful bears to challenge the kids.

Science – in our science session we checked our beans that were planted 3 weeks ago. We remembered how they were when we plant them using the help of the photos and we witnessed the changes over the 3 weeks. They have grown a lot. But unfortunately, Due to lack of sufficient water, some of the plants were dried off and turned to brown and some of them were properly growing. This layout a proper platform for us to learn essential components that help plants grow. Finally, we water our plants and placed it in a place where it gets proper sunlight. We are looking forward to investigating the changes over the next few weeks.


we matched different zoo-phonics animals. We tried to name some of the zoo- phonics too. We asked the kids what their favorite letters (animals) are.

Next week

Monday- Math (number hunt)

Tuesday- science (continued investigation on plants)

Wednesday- Library

Thursday – (zoo-phonics)

Friday - literacy (scribbling on a wall)


  • Please make sure to send in your library books on Wednesday

Have a colorful Epiphany and weekend!

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