Early Pre-K and Preschool
We welcomed our new friends, Alexander, and Yamlak with a warm smile in our class. We talked about helping our new friends inside and outside our classroom. We are still making plans about what we are going to do in our family day, and it’s going pretty well so far. Make sure you have no plans for March 9 because our kids are looking forward to it.
What we have been doing in a small group

Tossing water balloon Monday; since its sunny season, we figured why not play with water balloons! As you all know we have different activities every Monday ,and a cooperative game is one of them. We put our gear on which is our art smock! And paired up and tried not to pop the balloons but all of them did pop after three or four passes! It’s more than a play for them, it’s about socializing and physical development.
Next Monday; fine motor activities; we have been noticing that we need to work on developing on fine motor skills. Even though they progressed on it very well, we wanted to check.
Math Tuesday; we have been working on counting and number identification for the last two weeks now. For Early Pre-K’s, we prepared tissue box’s that has a number on it, and we count the fruits to put on the number we see in the box. At the same time, we identified the numbers. For Preschoolers, we put numbers on mats and let them match the number flags with it.
Next Tuesday; we will be going back to measurement and weight.
Fruit Wednesday; as we have been working on classifications on different topics like seasons, animal habitats and type of animals, and this week we made our classification with fruits, vegetables, and grains. We talked about their difference and their importance and the moment they were waiting for was to eat it, so we did!!
Next Wednesday; as one of our friend suggested we are planning to water our garden.
Puppets Thursday; our literacy class was super fun as we had a puppets

show!! We began telling them a story about a crocodile that is chasing the monkeys! And they all came up with their stories, which was entertaining and funny. It will help them to develop their language, confident to express their feelings and to be creative.
Next Thursday; since they loved the puppet show so much we might do it again or we will do another storytelling activates.
In our specials
Art: Our Art project about “Nighttime” is still in progress. We decided to make two “Nighttime” because we talked about that there is a banana-shaped moon and circle shaped moon! We finished making the circled moon and put it on our nighttime. Next week we will continue with our banana shaped moon.

Gymnastics and Music; in our Gymnastic and Music class, we paired up and leaned on each other back and tried to left them. It was really fun.
Mon- Music
Wed- Art
Wednesday is our Art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!
Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.
Please send your child with sunscreen and hat.
Have a wonderful weekend!!