Kindergarten Weekly News!

We hope you enjoyed your time on Family Day. It was still a hot topic on Monday!
We had a short discussion about how the family day went. We discussed what went well and what we need to work on more in the future!

Ethiopian center, which came back on popular demand was a huge hit! We also sold lots of book! We will plan with our friends and decide together what we will do with the money earned. Thank you for coming and sharing your delicious snacks with us!!!
This week in Kindergarten!
Math:We continued working on our addition and subtraction skills. We mainly worked on the terms: taking away and adding! We started with a birthday cake story and later on told our own stories.

This week we continued exploring various ways of writing a story. We learned about the vital role a director plays! It was a new concept for the students, but they were very curious and asked insightful questions. After a lot of back and forth conversation, we split into two teams and worked on writing our story.

Sun and Anne worked together and wrote a story about the “country and the city.” Leon and Julieta helped in preparing the materials that go with the story. Later on, they all sat together and explained what the areas represent and played their story.

We split into three groups this week and worked on different art murals. The three areas that we explored on were: lines, shapes and flowers, and leaves. Marlow, Andre, Xi Xi, and Isheja worked with Eyassu with 3D shapes. Leon, Noah, and Seven worked with Halefom and went outside to look for some fallen leaves and flowers for their art. Anne, Julieta, and Camilla worked with me and created different kinds of lines.
We would like to invite you to our classes after the spring break. All you have to do is inform us ( via text, phone call or email) on which day you want to come and join us. It would be fun and useful for you to engage with your child in our environment and understand what we do in person. We will be glad to have you here!
We also would like to let you know that our after-school program for gymnastics with Mr. Yonas is still available if you want to sign up for your kid.
Specials and Next Week Plans! (March 25th- 29th)
Monday- Library and story telling
Tuesday- Art and Writing
Wednesday- Sight words
Thursday- Music, Gymnastics and Math
Friday- Environment safety
Have a great break!