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It’s been a short week but we still enjoyed our three days of school. We would like to thankparents who participated in our Annual Art Auction and for those who couldn’t make it, we will see you next year!

Quick reminder

  • We started registering for summer camp, it is going to be from June 17- July 12

  • Picture day will be on June 3rdand 4thif the holiday is going to be on the 4ththe picture day will be moved on the 5th.

  • School is going to be closed either on 4thor 5thfor Ramadan celebration

This week in kindergartener

Free choices: I first asked them what they want to do before we proceed to our everyday schedule and they all wanted to draw. Here some of the stories they shared:

Sun: He drew a big house with and said, “It is about people inside the house and they have no money and they are poor!”

Leon: He copied an animated character from his favorite movie and said, “I am drawing ‘Mera’ he is from ‘Super Wings’ and he can transform into a plane”

Julieta: “It about a girl with magic

and she is the best queen because she fight the bad guys”


In our Literacy class, we talked about celebration and holidays and they made a card to their loved ones and question to Santa Clause on this they want for Christmas.

Cooperative games

Tag war and scoring the ball in the basket

It was another fun week in our cooperative game. This week’s cooperative game focus was about a sense of teamwork in each child’s mind. When we talked about what we need to playtag war, Leon said, “We need to make two teams. But they should be equal number of boys and girls.” Pointing to the middle mark on the rope,he also said, “The white thing has to be in the middle.” We talked about how teamwork is important. We also tried to score the balls in the basket from the distance. They really enjoyed both of our activities.

Paper clip fun

Before they explore with paper clips, sun was interested to explore with the map first. We went through the entire world through our map, they also told me places I should visit and some facts they know

Sun: “ Mandela got arrested in island, in south Africa. The bad people arrested all the good people. Next time I will go to visit great wall in china, you can come too!”

It was really fun for them to explore with paper clips as they tried to make different shapes. They made a long chain and Leon said, “ It’s a chain for my dog!” They finally agreed to put it together and measured my height to see what they made is taller than me, which it was.

Have a Great Week

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