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It was a terrific first week at Little Einstein. The kids had a good transition. This week we had four kids in our group with the possibility of growing in numbers when kids get back from their vacation. We also welcomed Nathaniel, who is new to our community and our class!

We are looking forward to having another great school year.

Our discussions in the classroom was about reminding the children about school routine, expectations, and brainstorming the overall school activities. Our theme for the start of the new school year is “All About Me.” This week we talked about the body parts and their use. We start the exploration of our self, focusing on our body particularly face parts. In our science class and art activities, we tried to create looks using different face parts. We read 'Who is in our family books' and sing songs about body parts too.

If you have any more question, concerns and any information about our group, you can contact us at any time during school time. And you can follow our blog for detailed weekly News and Notes at

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