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Early Preschool Monthly Update

Dear Parents,

We had another fun and fruitful month. As we started the month of November with some exciting topics like gardening, family, weather, and shapes, we have spent most of our large group reading books, singing songs and sharing experiences about these topics. We have also introduced some action games as part of our large group besides the daily large group routines. Our morning board message focused on identifying and talking about the daily weather along with other messages.

Our Small Group Explorations

Music/Cooperative Games: we explored in our sound walls using different materials from our daily use on the different sounds they make. We introduced group plays in our cooperative game sessions. We also enjoyed the running and hopping race activity. We have talked about some terms, like beginning line, finishing line, race, etc.

Science: weather was the main focus of this month. We explored different printed pictures of the different weathers. We also associate and explored the weather with the different kinds of clothes we wear in detail. After a long time large group exposure of gardening, we brought it into our science session and started working on our school garden. We talked about the process and steps of gardening, and we made the first two steps, digging and hawing. We will keep our exploration in the coming weeks.

Math: shape was the whole focus of this month. We introduced different two-dimensional shapes in different sessions (triangle, square, circle, rectangle, star, heart, diamond and oval). We started relating these shapes with things around our environment. We will keep on doing this in the coming week or two so that they will have a better understanding of the whole concept of shapes.

Language and Literacy: besides the children’s fine motor skills, working on their language and vocabulary development is one of the focuses of Literacy. We have started story time in our literacy sessions. After we read them a story, we used different puppets and flashcards with images in the story to help them memorize and retell the main characters of the story and story sequence. It also aimed at grasping some new vocabulary. The children enjoyed this activity. So we will keep on doing it in other sessions.

Art: whenever we explored new topics in our small group exploration time, considering our children’s interest, we take the topic to our Art and make any artworks on our thoughts and reflections about the topic. This month, our focus was on weather and shapes. We used different materials that represent weather and made a collage. And for the shapes, we collected different three-dimensional shapes and made our shape prints.

Next Week

Mondays – Music

Tuesdays - Science

Wednesdays - Math

Thursdays - Literacy

Friday – Library


Thursday - Art

Quick Reminders

  • Please make sure your child wears an old cloth on Thursdays for our Art day.

  • Please return library folders on Fridays for our Library day.

  • The season is getting sunnier. Please send sunscreen and hats for your child.

Have a nice weekend!

Tesfaye, Tigist and Elsa

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