Early Preschool and Preschool
Dear parents,
What wonderful week we had! The children had an amazing time exploring in different areas of the school.
Small group
For small group we had Math, Science, Literacy, Cooperative Games and Library.
During our cooperative games the children had fun time playing a racing game. Our race consisted of first running from the get area towards the director’s room, where two bikes were waiting for them. Once they reached the bikes they raced them back to the gate area. The children had wonderful time racing with their friends and cheering for their friends.
For our math activity we continued talking about size (big and small) we used bears. We started our activity by talking about what we had done in previous math small groups. After doing so we had the children choose which colored bears they wanted to use during our activity. After they had made their choices we helped the children make a pattern by placing big and small one in front of the other.
During the past couple of weeks our group has been talking about letters and and the sounds they make. So far, we have talked about the letters from A-J. Last week we tried to see if the children remembered the letters we had talked about during our previous session.
What are we going to do this week?
Monday – Cooperative Games
Tuesday – Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Our specials
Tuesday – Movement
Wednesday – Art
· While we are out on the playground it gets a little sunny so please send the children with hats and sunscreens.
· Don’t forget the children with their library folders every Friday as it is our library day.
· Please sent the children with art friendly clothing every Wednesday.
Have a wonderful week!
Early Preschool and Preschool Team
