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Fun with Infants and Toddlers

Hello, dear parents! The past two weeks have been really amazing. We would like to thank everybody for being a part of our first family day.

We had fun small group activities the past two weeks, which the children really enjoyed. The activities we had are Movement, Water Fun, Cooperative Games, Sensory Box, and Art (paper mache).

As Christmas is right around the corner, we had a two weeklong project for Art by making Christmas tree ornaments. We started our project by cutting up newspapers and soft paper and putting it into a big clear box. Following that we mixed glue and water and dumped all the mixed into the big box of paper. And mixed them together, when the papers where socking wet we took them out and tried to make a ball like structure and put them on a plate so they can dry up.

On our next art class we continued our project by painting the shapes we made different colors that the children chose and finally the children added glitter as final touch. The children liked how their ornaments turned out.

Another activity we had was sensory box. This activity was a texture feeling activity. For this activity we prepared different materials that have different textures so that they can feel and differentiate the texture. The materials we prepared were cotton, tree bark, smooth wood, sponge, rice in a bag, and different rocks. As they felt the materials we talked about the textures they felt and what we called them. The terms we used were soft, rough, and smooth. After the activity was done the children mixed the bag of rice with food coloring, they chose the color they wanted.

The children enjoyed our time doing Water Fun. After our large group we went out to the playground (black top). After that we wore art smacks and we collected the bikes they wanted to wash. As they washed they had an amazing time splashing the water on the toys and sitting in buckets of water.

Next week activities



Wednesday-Treasure Hunting

Have a nice weekend!


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