Infant and Toddler
Greeting parents!
We had an exciting two – weeks with our lovely kids here in Little Einsteins; I hope you also had a wonderful holiday. We had a Birthday this week in our class. It was also Alen’s Birthday. The kids were very excited to help Alen celebrate his Birthday and have chocolate cake.
Here is what we did these past two –weeks,
For our large group
As always, we had circle time, in our circle time we did attendance, we read their favorite book, book called “All about me” and when we were reading the kids were participating by showing their eyes, hands, noses and their toes according to the page we were in. After that we were singing our favorite song called “Miss Polly had a dolly, Head shoulder knees and toes and baby shark”.
For our small group
Music; for our music activity we were exploring with the musical instrument, the instruments that we used were piano, shakers and guitar. Our kids like to explore with musical instruments like shaking the shakers, playing the piano, and hiding their faces with the scarf which we also used in the music class, the kids were very interested when they were exploring, sharing and playing.
Literacy; for our literacy activity we explored with play dough, the material that we used are play dough and lamented paper, the kids loved exploring with play dough, when the kids were investigating they was talking about what they did and how they did it, and the kids were pretending to make pizza and bracelets for their friends, also they were sharing with their friends. They were squishing the play dough to help them with their cognitive development. The kids were very excited and engaged.
Math; for our math activity we were counting numbers. The number that we were counting was one up to ten. The material that we used was boxes and pompoms.
First, we read a number book and we sang a number song and then we let the children explore with the materials. When they were exploring, we were talking about the numbers, how money pompoms they put in the box after that all the kids were very excited to count. They were even counting again and again.
Art; for this week art we did a collage. The materials we used were small pieces of paper, glue, brush and paper. First, they put some glue on the paper then placed the small pieces of paper to create a beautiful also a very colorful collage.
Next Week
Monday – yoga
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Language
Friday- Art
Our specials
Thursday – Library
Friday - Art
· Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
· We would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.
· Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.
Have a nice weekend!
