Infants and Toddlers
April 8, 2022
Greetings Dear Parents,
We are very excited we had you all join us for our family day. We hope you enjoyed it. Thank you all for coming. It was a great day.
We had an amazing Two-week with our children, here is what we have been doing past weeks.
Our large group times
As always, we do circle time. In our circle time we introduce new good morning song for our children. The song says, ‘Good morning good morning, Hallo and How are you’. The other favorite song of our group was “Head shoulder knees and toes” and “Baby Shark” song. For our story time the children choose their favorite book and we read it together. We ask the children what they saw on the pages and had a talk about their observation.
Our small group times
Math: for our math activity we sort shapes. The shapes were Circle, Triangles, and Square. The materials that we explore with were, printed shapes paper, model of shapes and puzzle. First, we sing shape song and we read shape book. Then we let the children explore with those shapes. After a while we start to sort the shapes. When they were sorting, they were solving problems. Our Toddler group recognize the name of those shapes and the children were very engaged with the activity.
Science: our science activity was exploring with shaving cream. Our children like to explore with messy activities. They love to touch and feel. The materials we used were Table, shaving cream and art smack. Frist, we put shaving cream on the table for each of children then they touch it and try to squish it. After that we put food color and they mix it. We were talking about what color it is first and after we put color. The children were very exited.
Water fun activity: most of children like to explore with water. The materials we used were water, tab, bicycles, soap and sponge. First, we show them how they are going to wash the bicycles then we all start washing. The children were very engaged with the activity they were rubbing it with the soap, and they rinse it and put it by the sun area to dry it.
Next Week
Monday – Music
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Language
Friday- Art
Our specials
Thursday – Library
Friday - Art
Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
we would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.
Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.
Have a nice we