Our class in this week
We had great week in Early preschool and Preschool, we hope yours was great as well!
This week we also said farewell to one of our friend Riley! Have a nice journey! We will miss you!
Large group
During the large group session, we asked our students how their morning was, what they ate for breakfast, and drunk and who did they came with. Then after we sang good morning song we did the " me" song which our students liked, then we started working on our message board, we took attendance, days of the week, and then we discussed the weather. We talked about the weather that our students most liked which is the sunny weather. When I asked them why, they said that we can only play when the sun is there, while others said that they enjoy playing in the water when it is rainy. We had a beautiful time.
During math session we counted numbers from 1-10 and then we practiced tracing numbers on the board and all the children had a chance and did better than expected. Finally, we colored and traced numbers 1 and 2 on worksheets. They were very engaged and used their favorite different colors.
Cooperative game: Team work is one of the important skills that children learn in their early ages so this week game helped the class to practice this skill. We started off by splitting the class into two teams then we counted the same number of small balls for both teams. After that, on the count of three each team started to pass the balls from one side to the other, then we also worked on our gross motor skill by passing the ball over our heads too.
During the art session we did our canvas, we made an air balloon, which is one of the air transportations that we learned in the last science session and which our students liked the most. Our students painted the color of their choice in the main part of the air balloon. And painted the background to represent the sky. The canvas turned out really nice. Our students really liked what they did.
"The Air balloon goes in the sky" Shishani
"The Air balloon is painted in different colors" Riley
"I like our Air balloon" Hala
In our literacy session, we had journal. Our kids drew their favorite things in their books using different colors.
" This is my butterfly " Nina
" She is my car" Aria
" I draw football player" Yamen
" This is my house" Hala
During our music session we had a lot of fun. We explored different musical instruments such as piano, shakers, drum and guitar. Then we sang different songs " How the weather today" , "row row row your boat" , "Miss Polly had a doll"
Our plan for next week is as follows:
Monday - Music /Cooperative game
Tuesday Math
Wednesday - Science
Thursday - Literacy
Friday - Gymnastics
Special class
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday - Art
Friday -Ethiopia center / Maker space
° Every Tuesday is our library day, please make sure to return the library folder.
° Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time.
°Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
Have a nice weekend dear parents!!