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Our Early Pre-K This Week

Dear parents,

Check all the different activities that your child was engaged in this week! As a lot of chances was given to learn something new and have fun at the same time.

Large group: For large group this week on our message board we had number eleven ‘11’, pentagon and ‘b’ as the number, shape and sound of the week. For morning massages we made a phonics pattern ‘a,b,a,b,a,b’, talked one more time about the magical words as everyone needs to remember using them from time to time and went through some vocabulary that start with the ‘a’ sound.

“A for Alen” Julia

“It’s called pentagon because it has five sides” Noam

“B for banana” Leo

Math: This week we went through the ‘heavy and light’ concept one more time. We worked with big and small water bottles, first the kids predicted which one is heavy and which one is light then all got a turn to carry the water bottles and check themselves.

Music: Our music class this week was focused on kids following instructions and attentive listening also following the beat of a song. We used the shakers and followed the beats of this song ‘I can play on the Beat’.


Science: As we started to talk about food in general last week, this week we learned about fruits and how important they are to our body ‘healthy food’. Everyone shared about the kind of fruits they know and their favorite too!   

“I like watermelon” Tang Tang

“Orange juice” Hongyu

Literacy: This week literacy class was all about working on our fine motor skill, art skill and letting out our emotions and thoughts on the journals.

“Firetruck house” Leul

“Blue” Malachi

Makerspace: This week our class had fun going into the new stablished center ‘Makerspace’! We started by exploring the materials that were on the shelves. We looked at the plans we sketched before and decided that we will start by creating a rectangle all together. The kids thought the tissue boxes would be the perfect material to use and the tape to put them together.

“This is tape” Alen

“My Turn to cut the tape” Solomon

 Clay: This week we had a clay project. We chose to make a police car so we formed it with its different parts, the kids really had fun working on it.

Library: This week’s book title was “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Which is about a small hungry caterpillar that comes out of the egg looking for food and eating heathy and unhealthy food, till one day it turns big, builds a cocoon and come out of it as a very beautiful butterfly.

Art: Today we finished our first rainbow canvas! We painted the last three colors using sponges and the kids felt really proud seeing the final result.  

Gymnastics: We started warming up by jogging, jumping and stretching. Then we practiced the split move.


 Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art


Our specials

Tuesday- Clay

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics


Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class. Remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a nice weekend!








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