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Pre-k and Kg Weekly Insight.

Greeting Parents,

What would you do when you turn 100? Well, we can tell there is a doubt in your mind right now but not to our little friends. They say that imagination is better than knowledge because imagination encircles the world. The reason why brought the age topic was because our groups have thought of the things they wanted to do when they turned 100! The conversation started during recess time when Victor was mad about the sun for being very hot, he said,

“When I turn 100, I will be a very strong firefighter and put the sun out!”

Yamlak: “When I turn 100 I will jump on Jupiter”

Nati: “When I am 100, I will put the dinosaurs in my belly.”

Emily: “When I turn 100, I will break my house.”

Aaizaaz: “I am not 100 but my dad is 100killogram

Alia: “But I need to turn 6 first.”

Large group this week

Have you ever seen a shrinking dinosaur? We have one and we come up we the conclusion that we should put it in the zoo. They were very amazing to see the hatched dinosaur is shrunk to the size of a fist. That’s when decided that this “Miracle dinosaur” needs to go to a special zoo for shrinking animals! We had so much fun exploring with books, caterpillar numbers, punctuation marks, months of the year, and music. We would like to thank all the parents for sending books this week; let's keep on a good job.

Small group this week

Journal Monday: the journal has become more fun as they get creative and imaginative while sharing their stories. This week our group had a long time drawing and sharing their stories with the class.

Weed Wednesday: after we plant flowers in the tires last week, our groups had the interest to continue planting flowers. We discussed how and where we should start the planting and we have decided to plant the followers next to the tires. We talked about what weeds are and how they can make the flowers not grow faster, so we made fast action to get rid of them!

Shapes Thursday: this week for Maths, we have continued exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have talked about their difference and similarities; we used shapes from our surroundings like a tissue box and tried to differentiate them with a rectangle.

Special day

Art: our group was very inspired by the idea of painting the school wall with different patterns and they have been asking to make one for their class. This week we took the idea and made a beautiful pattern painting on canvas. They wanted to continue using another pattern, and we will do so in our next week's Art session.


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