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Last Week of The Semester In Early Pre-K

Dear parents,

Our First semester has just finished! We are glad to be part of all the progress that our early pre-k class has accomplished so far, and we are looking forward to more learning opportunities in the coming semester. 


Large group: This week in our large group we shared about how we spent our weekend and the different activities we did. For this weeks shape, color, and number, we had the diamond shape, the color black, and the number nine ‘9’. Our board massage was about creating a simple pattern ‘boy, girl, boy, girl’ where the kids stood up and created the pattern!

Science: We continued with the farm animals’ topic for our science session. We went through the name and pictures of the animals we recalled from last week and heard the animals’ sound loudly on the speaker. The kids enjoyed listening to the different sounds. 

“The pig like to play in the mud” Umar

“I have two dogs at home” Leo

Literacy: Our class was excited to work on their journals. It was a good chance for everyone to get their new ideas and feelings into a form of art by drawing and coloring.

“This is my mommy, daddy, my sister and me. And the blue one on the top is the sky” Noam

“This is my mommy, daddy, me, and the people” Ceyla

Library: This week’s library session was all about the kids’ reading books all by themselves! They had the chance to choose a friend to read a book with.

Art: Christmas is around the corner! So, for today’s art class the kids enjoyed painting a Christmas tree.

 Gymnastic: We started our gymnastic class warming up by running, jogging, and skipping. After that our special move for today’s class was the split.


 Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art


Our specials

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics


Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class. Remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a good weekend!







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