Pre K
Dear parents,

We hope you had an awesome week as we did. We are so excited about our family day, which is around the corner please mark your calendars.

Small group
From completing our family tree to having a good start on our Airport center. It was a week filled with many brainstorming and craft skills. Monday we switched it to social science and finished our family tree. It was exciting to measure our heights and compare it with our friends. It was also very interesting to find out how we can use different things to measure including simple things like tissue boxes.
For art this week we talked about shades of skin colors. We were so curious about how some of us are brown, white, black; some have strong hair, curly hair, straight hair, black hair, ginger hair and so forth.
Next week plans
Monday- Science
Tuesday- Math
Wednesday- Library
Thursday- Literacy
Friday- Light box
Reminders – Old clothes and shoes for art
Return Library folder on Wednesdays
Send Sunscreens and hats
We need boxes, bottle lids, old bag packs for our new Airport center
Have a blessed week!!