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Infants and Toddlers

Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful week. The children enjoyed being back to school after one week break.

School will be closed on the 6th of April for Ethiopian Good Friday.

Large group

This week for large group we had started our day by doing the 'whose here and whose not here' board, then sang the good morning song followed by a song of there choice either 'Baa baa black sheep' or 'Hands go up and down'. And for finger play we had 'one two three four five'. And the book we read was 'The going to bed book'.

Small group

This week for small group we had Music and Movement,Art, Light box, Ballon fun, and Tasting. This week for Tasting we prepare Banana, Lemon, Strawberry,Vinegar,Salt and Water, they really enjoyed tasting the different tastes(bitter, sour, sweet and tasteless) and trying to differentiate the tastes.

Light box the children explored with cubes that have different colours on the light box and watched what happened to them as they put them in the light box.

Balloon Balancing the children really enjoyed this activity, they where trying to balance balloons on plates and try to walk without dropping them on the floor and also they tried to bounce it up and down on the plate.

Next Week


Tuesday-Train,Cars and Trucks

Wednesday -Art(paint)

Thursday -Exploring with Farm and Wild animals

Friday- No school(Good Friday)


Please don’t forget to send the children’s library folder every Thursday.

Wednesday is Art day please send the children with their art close

Have a nice weekend!

Infants and Toddlers Team.

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