Early Preschool this week
Dear parents,
We would like to thank all families who made it for our art auction and congratulation for all bid winners. We also like to thank all Little Einstein families for making this auction come true while making an amazing contribution for the community.
Large group

We continued having great conversations about seeds we planted a week before. We also enjoyed singing the Hello song. We are planning to start the attendance since everyone in our group is concerned about who is in the class and who haven’t made it to school and also who was the latecomer.
Small group
Math – we continued our activity exercising our fine motor and also our counting skills. So we counted the bears using thong and also we tried to count very small button and put them in their respective numbered cup. Next week we are planning to solve a puzzle of Duplo blocks and numbers.

Literacy – we used play dough and 3D letters to practice to stamp and see what shapes they make. We also talked about the sounds they make and tried to trace them on the white board.
Science - on our science activity we observed the changes of our seeds we planted during our last activity. Most of the seeds have sprouted and you can see their roots, some even have leaves. So next week we are going to plant those seeds in our garden.
Light box – we explored with sand on the light box. We tried to make numbers and letters. Next week we are planning to put some food coloring on our sand and try to see what colorful sand will make in our light box.
Monday - Art
Wednesday- Music and Movement
On Monday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art. It could get messy.
Please don’t forget to return and check out new books because its library day.
Have a lovely week
Henock and Free