Kindergarten News

Welcome back!!! The school year is off to a great start! The children have had a smooth transition into their new classrooms and for many, into their new school as well. I am having so much fun getting to know each and every one of them! Our Kindergarten class has a group of six students.
What we are learning!
We continued to review our classroom rules and procedures.
We drew the face of our caterpillar and started counting!
Literacy class was fun as we started to explore some writing skills!
We also helped our friends find their country during our social class.
We got a chance to observe a grasshopper and everyone had a blast! It was interesting to the children to investigate it on the light box.

Birthday this month!

Rachael turns 4!
Next week plans
Tue-puzzles & playdough
Thu- Science
Friday- Math
Mon- Library
Tue- Art
Wed- Music
Please make sure to send extra clothes and shoes for our messy Art class.
We will be joinig the Pre-k class for Art & Music.
We will be starting specials (Library, Art and Music) next week!
Please make sure to send boots and jackets for the rainy weather.
Have a nice weekend!
Maraki- +251 911- 48-78-81