Early Pre-school
Dear Parents,
We had a fun week. Our Early Preschool is bonding well and developing social skills from one another.
Large group
Our large groups this week was very exciting. We had fun reading the 'Little Lion Shares' book. We talked about Sharing and how to be respectful to our friends and teachers. We also enjoyed singing ‘Good Morning Song’ and ‘Funny Faces’. It is a joy to see kids share laughter while making funny faces.
Next week we are planning to continue talking about sharing and also we are planning to start writing a message on our Message board.
Small Group
Math – while we were talking about our friends, I have introduced my imaginary friend Sam who was sad because he had a pile of mixed blocks that have to be sorted and counted. We had fun helping Sam sorting and counting blocks in their respective colors and finally, we made him happy.
Science – in our science exploration we explored and investigate with Martials in our science room.
Investigating the similarities and differences between different materials will help us understand our environment. The kids were fascinated to see leafs up close and bright on the light table. They also raise different questions like 'What is this leaf dry' and 'Why are you big (looking through a magnifying glass)'.
Literacy –We went to the lightbox with our 3D magnetic letters and play dough. We flatten our playdough and tried to imprint the letters on the play dough. We make different imprints and also had a chance to call some of their names. The famous ones for the day were ‘Z’, ’F’ ‘A’ and ‘K’.
Library – This week in the library we took time to talk about how we read books properly and expectation we had for the kids. We also checked out books for the first time.
We also enjoyed flatting play dough and make shapes with a shape maker.
Monday- Math (continued counting)
Tuesday- Science (comparison heavy and light)
Wednesday- Library
Thursday-Puzzels about letters
Friday- Literacy (scribbling on a wall)