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Pre school and Early Pre-k

Dear Parents,

It was another fun and productive week at our school. It's very good to see our kids playing and helping the little ones! We had a talk about how our halloween theamed family went the children said they had fun but it wasn't scary!! And now our ghosts are not scary anymore so we are just playing with them!

School will be closed from Nov 5-9 for fall break.

What we have been doing during large group

Its always great to talk about different things in our large group mainly because they get comfortable to share whatever is on their mind, this week we were talking about our dreams. It was very interesting to hear what we saw in our dreams. Here are some of our dreams;

Helle; “I just see a cat. The cat was running and scratching and everything!!”

Mukeh; “ I was driving a helicopter with Noah and Leon. We go to the airport and we are going to buy food!!”

Rachel; “I saw a coconut and a lot of candy and the monster bite it and the monster was dancing!!”

Fei Fei; “A water bottle and I drink it!!”

Julitte; “ I drink water and I saw my daddy run and give my water bottle!!”

More dream stories coming soon!!

What we have done during the small group

We wanted to do more in our fine motor skill this Monday. We made a spider web with different color yarns and a paper plate. It was very fun for them to come up with their own designs!

- In our Math class, we did subsorting which turned out dinosaurs and farm animals. The children sort in their colors, with their sizes, and also types.

- In our Science class, we explored with mixing colors and predict what other colors we can find by mixing others. We are planning to do it again next time.

- Our Literacy was super fun because it was hunting letters!! Even though we wish it was hunting toys, our house, and mom and dad!! After we hunt our letters, we sat down to identify them.

-We wrote and draw a farewell letter for our friend Fei Fei which will be leaving soon in our library day. We want her to know that we will miss her And she is a good friend.

what we have done with pictures

Next Week Plan

Monday- cooperative game

Tuesday- Math

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Library


Mon- Music

Wed- Art


Wednesday is our Art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Since its a sunny season please send you're child witrh sunscreen and hat.

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Have a nice break. See you soon!

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