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Kindergarten Weekly News

The day we all have been waiting for is here! Our grand opening was a success! Thank you all who came to support the children and teachers! Scroll down to see photos of children pretending to be sellers and customers!

Here is a sneak view of the party!

Photos of the event will be posted next week. Stay tuned!!!

Our week in review

We spent most of our time this week with our pre-k friends. We spent our large group and small group explorations together. On Monday we had Library with Miraf and choose our favorite books to take home to share with our Family.

We were introduced to 3-D objects (Prisms, Cylinders, Cone, Hemisphere, Sphere, Square pyramid, Pentagonal prism, Triangular pyramid). The children had a fun time learning this new concept. Next week we will explore in depth in this area.

We continued our sight word expedition as we went over some words and took the time to find them in our books. Later on, we were introduced to CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant), which prepares children to read. We had some worksheets to help us sound words and a picture clue along with the words.

For the past few days every morning we read a book called Fun Tales that offer short, readable, phonetically correct sentences. Each story uses only letters that have been larned to that point, while entertaining illustrations on every page keep children visually engaged as they learn. Every Every other Friday we will be sending one book each child home so that they share what they have learned that week.

Bookstore Updates

As the grand opening of the bookstore was on Friday. We spent the last two days of our small group completing the decoration of the bookstore. CiCi, Zemel, and Sun were involved in finding the cash-storing device while Anna and Ruby were decorating the bookstore.

We took turns in performing the transactions that will take place on the grand opening of the bookstore. We organized ourselves to take turns as cashiers and customers to sell the published books. The books were sold as follows:

The small book- 5 birr

The big book- 10 birr

The children haven’t decided yet what they will do with the money. The will take some time to think and share their thoughts in the coming week.

"I this ten birr? Wait let me check, oh found the number ten on the side!"

Next Week Plans

Monday- Library

Tuesday- Geography

Wednesday- Literacy (sight words)

Thursday-Math(3-D objects)

Friday- Literacy (exploring cvc words )


Thursday: Music and Movement

Tuesday: Art


Tuesday is our Art day, please make sure your child wears their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Since its a sunny season please make sure to send your child with sunscreen and hat.

Have a lovely weekend!


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