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Kindergarten Weekly News

Hope you are having a great week! We had a short but fruitful week here at Little Einsteins! Pre-k and Kindergarten class painted their Easter eggs and hid them all around the school so our friends could look for them during recess! Happy Easter!

Reminder- School is closed on April 29th and May 1

Week in review


Our investigation of volcanoes continued this week. This time we prepared diverse mountains using papers of different colors and sizes. We chose a different soda pop to experiment with.

Everyone took turns dropping the Mentos candies into our mountains. Most of our friends had incidents, when the eruption was so fast, that it moved to their face before they had a chance to step away! Anne had an excellent idea. She said “ why don’t we add up the leftover soda pops, add them together and try to make another explosion?’

We gathered all the remains and added them to the bottle. Most of us were sure that we would get another explosion! Once Anne released the candy, to our wonder there was no eruption! We completed our exploration on volcanoes by explaining the idea of the volcanoes with the soda pop, once an explosion happens it will take a whole other cycle to make another explosion.


Continuing from last week, we explored in depth with our word wall. Last week was an introduction class to the word wall. This week we got together with our pre-k friends and investigated more about words.

The class set up was a bit different from last week. We didn’t have our word wall chart; instead, we had small alphabets and cards. We paired up into two and started working.

Each student had responsibilities. The responsibilities included:

• Choosing five cards to work on

• Getting the letters needed for the cards

• Sounding out the beginning, middle and ending sound of the word

• Presenting to the class


I am so proud of all the projects that my class did this year! It has been one excellent journey of teaching art this year. Together we problem solved many obstacles. We discovered and created new and exciting pieces. I have to say that teaching art this year was so much fun! I got to learn and research many things along the way. There were a lot of things I wanted to explore with my class! Looking forward to the art auction, as we will see the energy and time we put together as a team!

Next week Plans

Monday- No school (Easter Celeberation)

Tuesday- Art and Science

Wednesday- No school (Labor Day)

Thursday- Word wall and Games with Miraf

Friday- - Storytelling

Have a great weekend!


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