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Preschool and Early Pre-K


What a short week we had! It was still fun and exciting. We had an invited friend in our class, Sara! She is a cousin of two of our friends in our class, and her being a cousin, led us to talk about what cousins are. The kids had an enjoyable conversation. It is something we are planning to talk about in the future as well.

During small group

Finding shapes: based on our two weeks activities about shapes and composing shapes, we continued the activity in a more fun and practical way. This week we sat down for a little refreshment about what we have covered within two weeks, then we talked about shapes kids can find in the classroom and outside the classroom. They started looking at shapes, which were circles, curves, lines, triangles, squares, and rectangles. They didn’t need a lot of help in finding those shapes; it was more fun to see real things that have a relation to what they have learned.

Rhyming Thursday: it was matching the rhyming words for our literacy session. The kids are getting good at rhyming. It’s beneficial for them because it not only helps them to know how to rhyme but also beginning sounds and letter identification.


Cooperative game with kindergarteners: we had three different game areas for our cooperative games this week. The first one was, “tossing balls in the water bowl” where they toss small balls in the bowels, which have water in it. The second one was “three legs,” where kids pair up and tie their two legs together and walk. The third area is “walking with hands” where they can lift their legs, and their teacher held their legs, and the kids walked with their hands.

Next Week’s plan

Monday: literacy

Tuesday: Introduction to 3D

Wednesday: Science

Thursday: Cooperative Game with Kindergartners

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