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Kindergarten Weekly News

What a great first week we had in the Kindergarten class! Everyone was super excited to be back to school! We had a relaxed transition in the morning and afternoon routines.

Thank you all who joined us on Saturday for open house and we hope we continue to communicate regularly so your child has a fun learning journey. We have read the questionnaires you filled out on Saturday and are working as a team to make sure that the upcoming school year will be filled with lots of great activities!

The Kindergarten class enjoyed making the caterpillar with their friends and was so amazed to find out that we will be counting each day until the end of the school year!

We also discussed our class rules and expectations of teachers and students during school hours. Later on we got to explore with a variety of materials to help us count numbers. We also had two set of different numbers on a paper to count.

As we discussed during our meeting on open house, we started the school year with “all about me” and “weather” theme! We introduced our interests and ourselves and got a chance to know more about each other. We had plenty of pictures cut out from magazines to choose from. It was so nice to see the students helping each other during the activity.

Next week: - We will continue to discuss more in depth about the weather and we will explore the human anatomy and its functions.

Specials Corner

Monday- Library

Tuesday- Art

Friday- Music & Movement

If you have any questions and concerns about our group, please contact us at any time during school hours.

Maraki, Liya and Dageme

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