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Early Preschool

Dear Parents,

We had another fun week here in Little Einsteins. Our large group was focused on exploring ‘who we are.’ We started talking about our body parts. “Look, I have long hair,” said George. And by pointing to his teacher, he said, “You have short hair, Tesfaye.” We keep talking about classroom rules and expectations. We also enjoyed reading books.

We were also explorers in our small group.

We had fun literacy on Monday.

We made different shapes and drawings by tying a marker on the trucks and driving on the flat paper on the floor. All the children had fun with this activity. “I am making my mommy,” said Susu. And Esben said, “I am drawing a flower.”

Tuesday – A cooperative game

We were trying to put the balls on the basket blindfolded. Most of our children were engaging with the activity and had fun.

Wednesday – Math

Most of our children are interested in dinosaurs and trucks. So what we did was, explore the color and type of dinosaurs and trucks, and tried to sort them. We observed that most of the children sort things with one attribute, which is colors, and few with their types.

Thursday – Science

We were exploring a change in colors. We experimented how water changes color with a drop of food colors. We talk about how the water feels and guessed what will happen when we add food color into the water. We squeezed water in and drop water and food color with droppers.

Next week plans

Mondays – Literacy

Tuesdays- Music

Wednesdays- Math

Thursdays- Science

Friday – Library


Thursday - Art

Friday - Library


Please send your child with old clothes for our Art day every Thursday.

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