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Early Preschool Monthly Updates

Dear parents,

Another month has just passed, which was fun and exciting. Family day and Halloween was one of the highlights of this month. The children helped us a lot in the planning process of both events. We talked about season changes and few fun facts about Halloween and its celebration for Halloween.

Our kids got to choose how they want to take part in both events. They all wanted to have ‘I like to move it’ song for family day and a party with costumes and pumpkin for Halloween.

Some also mentioned about ‘Trick or treat.’ We have managed to incorporate all and had a fun family day and party day.

This week we have also met a new friend. It is a soft toy sheep that we named together as ‘Max.’ If you hear your kids talking about Max in the future, it is not a new teacher. It is our class mascot. We introduced Max to our group mainly to add a little excitement and also to have a friend, who can help in reminding group rules, help children to start or go through their day. It could also help us as a way of positive reinforcement that our children will get a turn to hold him or sit next to him as a reward.

Music, movement, and Games

We keep enjoying our music by introducing songs with movements, like ‘Every Day is a Moving Day.’ And our cooperative game focused on their motor and problem-solving skill development.

We introduced the obstacle course, and everybody enjoyed it. So by advancing the challenge and take it outside, we repeated it. It was much more challenging and fun. We will keep doing it since we are sharing a great experience through our games.


We kept exploring our theme, all about me. We spent this month discussing how to take care of ourselves and keep our personal hygiene. After we observed some children were talking about their parents, we brought the topic in our science session. Having printed pictures of different families, most of the children tried to associate themselves and their families with the pictures and talk about it. So we thought it would be great for the children to bring their family pictures from home and talk about it with their friends.


After we explored for a couple of weeks on patterns, we decided to explore about shapes. As a basic, we started with circles and triangles. We talked about what side is, we counted how many sides a triangle has and discussed that a circle has no sides. We will keep exploring g on shapes in the coming weeks too.


Our children are improving their fine motor skills through our continuous fine motor activities. We kept tracing different lines and simple shapes using playdough. Making rainbow and pizza was their favorites. They also made some other shapes of their own. The children had the fun of scribbling on our scribbling boards around our room.


We have been exploring collage. And after we planned in our large group time on what we want to do for Halloween, we decorated the pumpkins. As we planned, we made a mouth, eyes, and head for our pumpkins. And we drew group drawings on a paper about Halloween.

Next Week

Mondays – Music

Tuesdays- Science

Wednesdays- Math

Thursdays- Literacy

Friday – Library


Thursday - Art

Quick Reminders

  • Please make sure your child wears old cloth on Thursdays for our Art day.

  • Please return library folders on Fridays for our Library day.

  • The season is getting sunnier. Please send sunscreen and hats for your child.

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