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Early Pre-k and Pre-k Monthly Update

Updates of January

We started this semester with lots of energy, enthusiasm and full of great ideas (most of the plans the children came up with is play!). We are still going with full force, and we hope it will last longer! The first two weeks were more of fun activities until we all settled down.

We are excited about our solar system project, it is the longest and fun project we have so far. And because of this project, we are planning to have a class called “General Knowledge” which we will be exploring about not only solar system but also about our world and what’s in it.

Large group

It is a general fact that children love to play. There are a lot of things they acquire from that; in our class play is the ultimate power source of the children. It is our responsibility to make and create different corners that can help them acquire different skills while playing. That’s how we came up with few corners in our large group to support them in getting some skills. For example:

Puzzle corner: the purpose of this corner is for children to problem solve, develop their fine motor skills and to make decision.

Tracing: in our tracing table, we trace different materials using markers, pencils, and Q-tips. It will help us with our writing skills and develop our language.

Board: we call our board “the other small group” as we are doing most of our pre-small group questions.

Play dough: it is one of their favorite corners. It is essential for their creativity, language development, and fine motor skill.

Small group explorations:

Math: We are continuing what we started in the first semester, which is about shapes. We are now working on how we can make shapes that have more than five sides, along with their names.

Literacy: with the help of our daily board messages, reading CVC, and sounding letters is becoming very easy for us. To develop our motor skill, we tried to involve scissors to the table; for instance, in one of our activity, while doing matching uppercase and lowercase, they used a scissor to cut the lowercase to match it with the uppercase.

Science: we are still on a project about the solar system, and we are planning to make it even bigger like space. Our next step is to make the orbit with wire and we decided to hang the final project on our celling.

Some Pictures of this Month

New Announcement!

Little Einstein is happy to announce its collaboration with Fekat circus. We are very excited about this and we will start next week! We are going to add the circus to our daily schedule on Mondays and Thursdays! Here is a brief description of our new circus teacher who will join us.

Hello there!! My name is Eyob! I am a 24-year-old circus artist. I started attending a circus when I was 12 and since 2012, I started to collaborate with Fekat Circus and became a professional artist and performer.

For the past seven years, up until today, I started working with children as a circus and gymnastics teacher and clown.

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