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Preschool Monthly Insight

January in Preschool

We had a great start to our new semester. We welcomed Victor and Susu from Early-preschool class and Newly registered Ethan and Issac. We also send Dalia to the Pre-Kindergarten class because we believe that (she is ready for the next challenge)it would be a good fit for her.

While the kids are coping up with the changes around them, we did not want to push them hard by giving them challenging activities. Instead, we summarized what we have been learning so far. Next month, we are planning to provide more interesting and challenging new concepts in most of the learning areas. Lets see these areas in detail.

What's New,

  • Color Friday- We spent this week talking about the color purple and sang songs related to it. Later on, we shared among ourselves who wore what color! From next week onwards starting from the Kindergarten class we will choose a color for each week! The Kindergarten class chose Green for Friday, February 7 !

  • "7 days of the week" and “Skidamarink” song.

Science – these past three weeks, the kids were introduced to 2 interrelated concepts "Living" and "non-living" things and recyclable and non-recyclable materials. We read a book about living things and non-living things and how we can differentiate them. The book explains the major characteristics of living and non-living materials. Our conversation about living things took a twist when Zak "said we have to keep our planet clean." Even if hearing about recyclable and non-recyclables seemed a bit complicated for the kids, they were eager to try out recycling some of the materials at the school. We started recycling scrap and old newspapers.

Paper Mache

Ingredients - Newspaper, Glue, and Water.

Making Process - Mix Water and Glue first and mix it with recycling paper. Wait until the paper is properly socked.

Uses – Very messy and makes discreet form when it gets dry.

Next month we are planning to have lots of experiments.

Literacy – As a revision, this month's literacy focus was zoo-phonics. In the first week of the month, we used paper mache to trace the letters, and in the last two weeks, we talked about the stories, the sounds, and the hand and leg gestures each letter makes. Next month we will continue practicing zoo-phonics. Here are some pictures.

Math – we started our semester by numbers. Just like our literacy activity, we traced numbers from 0 to 9 using a paper mache, and we practiced counting using beads and paper. The dots on our paper help us count and associate the respective numbers. Finally, we placed the beads on the dots so it can help us practice counting furthermore. Here are some pictures of our counting activities. Next month our focus will be single-digit number counting and introduction of double-digit numbers.

New Announcement!

Little Einstein is happy to announce its collaboration with Fekat circus. We are very excited about this and we will start next week! We are going to add the circus to our daily schedule on Mondays and Thursdays! Here is a brief description of our new circus teacher who will join us. ​

Hello there!! My name is Eyob! I am a 24-year-old circus artist. I started attending a circus when I was 12 and since 2012, I started to collaborate with Fekat Circus and became a professional artist and performer.

For the past seven years, up until today, I started working with children as a circus and gymnastics teacher and clown.

Preschool team.

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