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Early Pre-K Blog

Hello dear parents!

Our third week has just finished! For this week we had a complete class of nine students, we were happy to see that all the students are back, ready to make progress and achieve milestones.

What we had for this week,

For large group in the morning, we always start with our special song “Who is here today?”, the students love this song because everyone will be excitingly waiting for his/ her name to be mentioned in the song. We also make sure to do our calendar and count how many days there are in a week, moreover we had the yellow for the color of the week and two (2) for the number of the week.

Math Session: For this week we continued with the color sorting through this time we add the colors orange and purple to the primary colors so all together the students had six colors to sort. Having the small colored ball as one of the materials to sort made the students even more excited.

Cooperative game: For this week in cooperative game our goal was to work on the students’ cross motor skills. And for that we had an outdoor obstacles activity where students had fun walking in a zig zag line and jumping from one hula-hoop to the other. Students had a lot of fun they even requested to make it more challenging by making bigger spaces between the hula-hoops.

Music: We had another chance to explore some of the musical instruments by trying to hold it the proper way and listen to its sound. Then the session was followed by sing some songs that the students chose.

Science: We kept working on identifying our different body parts and different ways we can move some of them. For an activity we had flash cards flipped and laid down on the floor, students took turns flipping cards and telling the class which body part is on the card.

Literacy: Journals help students to communicate openly, gain confidence and become more comfortable expressing themselves. This Thursday was the first page in our students’ journals, and everyone got busy drawing different stories and sharing it.

Library: Students felt excited to go into the library room for the second time and this time we read ‘Tip the mouse doesn’t want to sleep’. Afterwards students shared about their night routines, and we talk about how the night goes for each of us and how important it is to get good enough sleep to have lots of energy for the next morning.

Art: Two lines will not be enough to describe the amount of benefits the students get out of art sessions but two of them are: it helps students to progress socially by developing patience and longer attention span, secondly, it’s a chance to build language skills. In today’s art session we had a beading activity where students got busy pushing into fuzzy sticks turning it into a bracelet.

Gymnastics: We finished our busy week with a fun session where all students were excited to join, move around their little precious bodies and even challenge themselves to try new moves on their own “I can do it by myself” excitingly said one of the students!

Notes and reminders:

Thursday is our library class the students bring back the previous book and get a new one.

Friday is Art and Gymnastics comfy and suitable clothes are needed in this day.

Next Monday is a normal school day, but in celebration of Ethiopian New Year your child can come wearing something yellow or white.

Next Tuesday school is closed for the Ethiopian New Year.

Thank you!

Have yourself a marvelous weekend!


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