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Early Pre-K This Week

Dear parents,

We were glad to meet some of you in the diplomatic bazaar last week.

What we had for this week

Large group: This week in our large group our class was happy to welcome back one of our students back after being away for a long time.

Number seven ‘7’, the color purple and the star were the number, color and shape of the week. For the morning massage this week we worked on our fine motor skills by tracing numbers one to ten on the board.

Math: This week we worked on combining shapes. We used the magnate shapes in our activity trying to put two or more shapes together to get a new shape like (two squares make a rectangle and two triangles make a diamond or a square). The kids enjoyed the whole idea of combining shapes.

Cooperative game: This week our game was called ‘Tug the rope’. The class was divided into to groups and each group worked hard together in order to win.

Music: This music class was all about dancing. We put on music then students one by one came up with their own moves!

Science: We wrapped up our transportation topic this week using a sorting activity. Our class had fun sorting the different types of transportation ‘Air, land and water’.

“The submarine goes in the water.”

“The water boat makes a loud sound.”

Ethiopian center: This week in the Ethiopian center we focused on learning about the farm animals and we also continued with exploring the traditional materials.

Literacy: This week we were back with our journals were the kids get to improve their fine motor skills, their eye-hand coordination skills and a lot more!

“This is my birthday”


Library: Yesterday’s story tittle was ‘Love everywhere’. Our class had fun knowing different ways of expressing love!

Art: for art class we finished our art project from last week. Today we painted the boat and stick the sail so the boat can be ready to sail!

Gymnastic: We started our gymnastic class today with warm up by doing some jogging and running. Then we worked on strengthening our arms and hands muscles by hanging on a bar and flipping over!

Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Tuesday- Clay

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

  • Please make sure to drop your child early in the morning before 8:40am.

Have a nice weekend!


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