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Exciting and Engaging Adventures in Early preschool and Preschool!

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic week in Early Preschool and Preschool! It has been a treat to be all reunited after winter break, and catching up about all our wonderful adventures. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that you enjoy reading this week’s recap!

Large Group

During our large group time, we continued to work on the routine we established in the first semester. The class started each day by singing our "Good Morning" song, discussed the weather, and asked the students, "What is today?", which is a great chance to practice the date, which cultivates numeracy and their concept of time. We also talked about the days of the week and took attendance. One of the highlights was our message board activity, where the students practiced sorting and circling numbers 1-5. They really enjoyed the activity and were highly engaged, participating enthusiastically.

Small group

Cooperative game

This week, our class enjoyed a fun and active cooperative game! We prepared water sponges and cups, then selected two students to participate. The students worked together by placing the sponge in the water, then squeezing it into the cup. The goal was to be the first pair to fill their cup with water and win the game. It was a great activity that kept everyone engaged, and the students did an amazing job working together.


In our math session, we focused on sorting and identifying numbers 1-5. The students were asked to circle the numbers as part of the sorting activity, and they did a wonderful job! It was great to see them engage with the numbers and demonstrate their understanding. We’re excited to continue exploring math concepts with them!


In our  literacy session, our focus was on Zoo phonics, and we had a fantastic time exploring the letters A to J. The kids were fully engaged and actively participated in the activities, showing great enthusiasm. They loved demonstrating the motions and actions associated with each letter, bringing the learning to life in a fun and interactive way. It was a wonderful session, full of energy and excitement, as the children eagerly grasped the connection between letters and their sounds. We’re off to a fantastic start to our second semester, and are looking forward to more enjoyable learning moments ahead!


This week in science, the class got hands on with a baking soda and vinegar experiment! Children love the simple yet exciting bubbling and foaming, where they can observe through various senses- the sound of the reaction, the smell, the way it looks and more. Additionally, we added an exciting twist by adding different food colors, to make the bubbles even more fun! To begin, we set out the materials. We laid out some baking soda on a table and put the vinegar next to it. Then, we instructed the class that their task will be to pour the vinegar onto the baking soda and observe what happens. As they carefully poured vinegar over the baking soda powder, kids become completely focused, eagerly watching the colorful bubbles form. The joy on their faces when the bubbles appear was priceless, making this experiment one for the books!

Our plan for next week is as follows:

Monday - Art

Tuesday - Music

Wednesday - Math

Thursday - Literacy

Friday - Science

Our Specials

Monday - Library

Wednesday - Clay

Thursday - Gymnastic



  • Every Monday is our library day, please make sure to return the library folder.

  • Please send your child with sunscreen and a hat as it gets sunny after snack time.

  • Every Monday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.


                  Have a nice weekend dear parents!













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