Infant and Toddlers In The Past Two Weeks
Greeting dear parents,
We had an amazing two weeks with our lovely children. Our sessions are cozy, active, and fun!
Large group
First, we discussed about our morning then we sang ‘Good Morning’, 'Miss pole had a dolly’, 'Colors song' and 'Ali baba farm' song. After that we worked on our attendance, and we read a book titled 'At starting.’
Cooperative Game
We made an obstacle course game on the grass area. For this activity we used tunnel, musical dot, and Chair. Before we started the game, we introduced the game and the materials, and we showed them how the game works after that it was the kids turn to play. They enjoyed this activity.
In literacy class we continued with the fruit and vegetable topic. The past two weeks we worked on exploring the fruits and vegetables. We wrapped the fruits and vegetables up with newspaper and we created a net in the plastic basket and put them inside the basket. After that the kids took one material out of the basket, open and taste it. They were happy to find the fruits and vegetables and taste them.
"I found an Avocado!"
On our gymnastic class we made balancing activity using the balancing board. Before starting the activity, we warmed up by doing different moves like stretching and jogging then the kids did the balancing activity one by one. All of our children were engaging on this activity.
On our art class we explored different colors of paint. First, we gave the kids a chance to choose their favorite color paper and the color of the paint they want to use. After that we started exploring and painting on the paper. The kids were focused and engage on this activity.
During science activity the past two weeks we worked on exploring with the ice. We put out different animals in the water and froze it. Before starting the activity, we talked about what we did last two weeks the kids were able to remember the activity.
For math session this week we were exploring the shapes. Before starting the activity, we read the shapes book. We put different shapes on the middle like circle, triangle, square, heart, and Star then the children started to explore.
Plans for Next Week
Monday: - Music and movement
Tuesday: - Literacy (Journal)
Wednesday: - Gymnastics
Thursday: - Science
Friday: - Math (Shape)
Every Wednesday is Art Day, so please send your child with an art appropriate clothing.
Every Thursday is Library Day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.
As the weather is changing please make sure to send your child with a sunscreen and a hat.