Our Bi-weekly Blog Is Here!
Greeting Dear Parents,
Dear parents, welcome back from fall break. All our kids and families, we hope you had a good time with your kids.

Join us for this year's first family day happening on Saturday,November 04,2023.
In our large group section, we sang good morning and hello song then we did attendance, and we sang our children's favorite song which was baby sharks, five little monkey and the wheels on the bus song.
On our yoga class as we told you previously, we add some yoga possess like tree, triangle, and bowl the kids were excited and loved this activity.
On literary class we wrapped up the laminated fruits pictures with newspaper then put it in the basket after that the kids started to take out the wrapped pictures one by one and open the picture and see which fruit they found. They were engaged in this activity and eager to show what they got.
On art session we made a collage with rice. first the kids chose their favorite color paper then we applied the glue on the paper after that the kids started to stick the rice on the paper.
For science we had an activity called "goop". We used corn flour,water, tub, and arts smock. First we put the corn flour in the tap and the kids started to touch and feel. After that we added water and started to mix it then it started turning to slime, they were very interested in this activity.
On math class we had counting activity. we used macaroni, straw's, laminated paper and play dough then we discussed how we count with different materials. After that they stick the straw on the play dough and put macaroni in straws after that the kids started to count.
Plans for Next Week
Monday:- Music and movement
Tuesday:- Literacy
Wednesday:- Gymnastics
Thursday:- Science
Friday:- Math
Every Wednesday is art day, so places send your child with art appropriate clothing.
Every Thursday is library day,so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week in library day
Thank you!!