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The Fun Makers at LE

Dear Parents,

What a great week we had at Little Einsteins! We are enjoying getting to know more about each other and busy making new friends. We had a beautiful weather this week and we are having fun playing on the grass area, play structure, riding bike and jumping on the trampoline.

Large group

We enjoyed our large group time, we sang songs called, ‘Baby shark, Five green speckled frog’ and our finger play songs were, ‘One tow buckle my shoe’, ‘Once I catch a fish alive’, and also read books, ’All about me and baby animals’.

Small group

Our literacy activity was about naming emotions. We were all making different facial expressions to express our emotions. The children made different face to express their emotions; the faces they made were happy, sad, surprise, angry, excited and silly face.

The children tired to copy and imitate the different face from the teachers and they also used small mirrors to see themselves as they made different faces, at the same time we where singing the funny face song and they all engaged with the activity.

For math we had been focusing on color identification and counting. For our activity we prepared different colored play dough, straws and beads. The children enjoyed putting straws into the play dough so that it can stand firmly, then we gave the children beads. After we got the beads they started putting the same color beads one by one into the straws, we also tried naming the colors. The colors we used were blue, red, yellow and green. We finally counted the beads as the children put them down the straw.

For science we talked a lot about our body parts as we are focusing on naming our body parts. We had a picture on a paper of our body, we were pointing and naming our body parts.

While we were doing the activity, the children wanted to sing ’Head shoulder knees and toes ’. As we were interacting with the song, we notice that the children were following the direction of the song by pointing/touching the body part that are mentioned on the song.

Work time

The children enjoyed the different work time centers. It is a great experience for them to be exposed to different center and socialize. The center we had for this week is Ethiopian center, game and puzzle, reading corner.

In Ethiopian center we enjoyed dramatic play; making coffee, cooking food, serving it to our friends and teachers, helping each other, developing our social relation with others, and solving problem with the materials.

Games and puzzle center, the children were stacking blocks by size and used different colors to make a house, farm and car. They also lined them up in a straight line. During the time we spent in this center, we helped the children develop their hand and eye coordination, small motor skills, color and counting skills.

Next Week

Monday – No School (For Meskel celebration)

Tuesday - Exploring Shapes

Wednesday - Keep continuing the story

Thursday - Emotions

Friday - Making body parts

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· As it might be raining please send the children with raincoats and boats

· On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing

Have a wonderful weekend!

From Infants and Toddlers team!


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