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The Halloween Planner

Greeting Parents,

Hope you all had a fun week. We are very excited to celebrate Halloween ‘Costume party’ and getting ready with all the preparations. What we want from you now is to send the treats on tomorrow, Thursday the 28th of October. Thank you in advance!

Small group exploration

Letter identification: last Tuesday, we work on letter identification with their sound. We wrote all the letters on our message boards and asked each of our groups to circle a letter while we sound them out for them. We were happy to see how they all able to find the correct letter with their sound.

Shape worksheets: the last two weeks we have explored with the concept of shapes and its components, we relate the topic to our surroundings and hunt different shapes in our school compound. Last week we explored with some worksheets, they count the sides and write the number. We then explored with another worksheets, which was matching different shapes. It was clear to see that they understood the concept very well.

Planning for Halloween: last week we planned on the things we want to do for Costume party and discuss the different materials we can use to make the decoration with. We planned on doing, smiley bats, ghosts, spiders, mummies, pumpkins and many more decorations.

Water on a bowl: our cooperative game was super fun and tricky last week. It was passing a water bowl over their head to their friends behind. They have tried not to spill the water on their friend’s, but they did!

This week plan

Monday: Working on our Halloween decoration

Tuesday: Jump on the Zoo-phonics

Wednesday: Working on Halloween decoration

Thursday: Planting

Friday: Halloween party!

Pictures of last Week!


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