This week in Prek and Kindergarten class.....
Greeting dear parents!
Whew what a wonderful week it was! This week was very festive full of happiness for the kids and full of satisfaction for the teachers as we get to see our kids happy, with lots of energy to make the day beautiful.
Our little friends were so eager to do every activity that was planned, part of their discussion was, when are we going to put our fingerprints on the whiteboard and the same time asking what comes after 100 is 101 or 200? We also get to celebrate the day with all the LE family during snack time by eating variety of fruits and were so yummy.
we can tell they were proud of themselves as they were showing everybody “Look at the t-shirt I made it” and as teachers couldn’t be prouder.
What we did during our large group time:
Calendar: as our daily routine we did our calendar. We counted the month, date, day, and year. Our class said bye bye to January and welcomed the new month February,
Yante said “Do you know my birthday is on February 16th? Am going to be 6”
Finnegan continued by saying “I don’t know when my birthday is am going to ask mom and dad”
Our hungry Caterpillar: during our caterpillar time the kids was super excited as they saw they have reached 100th day, and their question was answered as we continued counting after 100. It’s so wonderful to see that they are learning day-by-day and bringing up interesting questions.
Music and movement: we added balloons to our dance session and different moves; some of our friends were dancing as a ballerina. It was so colorful and fun time.
Sight words: as always, we did our sight words of the week along with a musical tune. Our sight words of the week: Were, is, all and in.
What we did during our small group time: Literacy: during our literacy time we revise the zoo phonics for both the pre-k and kindergarten and see if they get to recall, was so happy when we saw them nailing it.
Science: On Wednesday since it was our 100th day our kings and queens of the day was busy on making crowns using paper plate, putting their fingerprints on their white t-shirts with different colors of their choice along with different sparkly decoration and lastly drawing on big blue paper that said “100 days brighter” well said they truly are 100th day brighter and smarter after all the creativity and motivation they showed.
Math: during our math lesson for this week, we did more or less with big numbers for the kindergartens with the idea of observing if they can identify big numbers and also get to remember the more and less concept. And also, for the Pre-Ks we did small number identification and number counting.
Social study: in relation to the previous topic,this week we talked about seasons, how many seasons we have in a year and let them know that seasons differ from one country to another country.
Cooperative Game: it’s been a while since we did music and movement, and as we saw our class were very fond of dancing and getting friendlier with music and dancing, we played music and had a lot
