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These Two Weeks In Infant Class

Dear Parents,

Over the past two weeks, we’ve had such a fun and exciting time in the Infant Class! Your little ones have been exploring, playing, and participating in a variety of amazing activities. We are so happy to see that the students are engaged with the activities and have been filled with joy and excitement.

Large Group

During our large group time, first the children sit comfortably on their pillows, and we start by singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which helps calm and focus them. After that, we sing the Good Morning song to greet everyone. Next, we give the children a chance to choose the songs. Recently, they’ve picked “How Much is That Doggie in the Window” and "Baa Baa Black Sheep", which they love singing together. After that we do attendance. The children take turns sticking their picture on the attendance board by themselves, and they feel very proud to do this on their own. Finally, we read a book- our latest has been the Clifford’s Animal Sounds book. The children love listening to the story, and they eagerly call out the names and sounds of the animals as we read together.

Small Group

Cooperative game

It was an energy packed time in our cooperative game session! First, we introduced the parachute and the colorful balls, explaining what we were going to do. We spread the parachute on the ground and placed the balls on top. Then, the fun began as we started waving and shaking the parachute. When the balls fell to the floor, the children excitedly picked them up and put them back on the parachute, eager to start shaking again. As they collected the balls, they also practiced counting and naming the colors of each ball. The children were very engaged and absolutely loved this activity. It was a great way for them to work together, have fun, and develop their motor and cognitive skills!


We started with some gentle stretching exercises to warm up the children’s muscles. Then, we introduced the balance beam (walking stick) and demonstrated how to walk across it. One at a time, each child had a turn walking on the beam with support if needed. The children were excited to try it, and did a fantastic job!

Literacy and Language

This week, we continued our exciting animal identification activity, adding even more animals for the children to explore! We placed pictures of various animals inside wrapped paper and put them in the middle of our circle. One by one, the children picked a wrapped animal and unwrapped it to discover what was inside. Some children proudly named the animal, while others identified them by making the animal sounds.


In art class, we created collages using different colored papers. The children tore the papers into pieces, which we then used to decorate a pre-prepared paper. They were happy and excited to see their finished collages. We are so proud to see their creativity flourish!


In our recent science session, we started by singing the Ali Baba Farm song to introduce the animals. Then, we placed pictures of different animals in the middle of our circle. We used a speaker, and played the sounds of each animal. The children had a blast picking the corresponding animal picture. They also tried mimicking the animal sounds and even posed like the animals! The class had a great time and loved exploring the different animal sounds.


Overall, it has been a beautiful and educational time in the infants class. We look forward to sharing more as the weeks go on!

Our schedule for next week

Monday – Music and movement

Tuesday –Gymnastic

Wednesday –Literacy

Thursday –Science

Friday – Math


 Our specials

Wednesday -Art

Thursday- Library


  • Every Wednesday is art day, so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

  • Every Thursday is library day,  so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week ln library day.

Have a nice weekend!!


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