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This week in our Pre-k!

Dear Parents,

We had a very fun and exciting week! thank you for all the parents who came to celebrate Meskel (Demera) with us. We really enjoyed celebrating it with you and our children!

Our large group

We enjoyed our large group as always. We practiced ''Abebayehush'', sang songs, did our circle time and read our favorite books. The children are very happy to do our message board every morning.

Caterpillar: Our caterpillar marks 32th day of school!

Our small group

For Music and movement session, we practiced 'Abebayehush' with drum. Our children were excited to play the drum turn by turn while singing the Abebayehush song. It was fun!

During our Literacy, We continued our activity learning about zoo phonics. We talked about the sounds that each letter makes. Our children were making different words out of the sounds.

Milly "J for joy!"

Abigael E. " P for pictures!"

Oliver " Timothy tiger is so strong!"

Adelene " u for up!"

For Science activity, we had fun activity that made our children excited! We explored the whole concept of how rain droplets formed. We gave our kids clear cups to be filled with water and we added a layer of shaving cream for each cup. We let our kids choose their favorite food color which is mixed with water and right before the kids got ready to do the experiment, we asked them to guess what the result would be and Ruut said "We are gonna mix the food colors with water". Our children enjoyed watching the colored water dripping down through the shaving cream. Just like rain from the clouds!

Our special Art

For this week, we gave our kids different kinds of shapes to be cut out and made various pictures. We showed our kids a model that we made by sticking the shapes onto the paper and made different pictures. Our children were having fun making different pictures with the shapes!

Our activities for next week will be.

Monday – Cooperative game (Bug in the rug)

Tuesday – Literacy (Zoo phonics)

Wednesday – Math (Tracing and rewriting)

Thursday- Library

Friday – Science ( Tasting)

Our specials

Wednesday – Gymnastic

Thursday - Library

Friday – Art


  • As it’s raining season, please send the children with raincoats and boats

  • Every Thursdays is our Library day, please make sure to return the library folder.

  • Every Fridays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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