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Weekly Blog for PreK and Kindergarten

Dear parents,

How pleasant and delightful was our celebration of Demra Meskel?!

We would like to thank our dear parents for participating in the celebration with our charming children! Such kind of deeds let our children feel loved, listened and taken in to account!

Exploration for this week

Our large group session was fun, productive, and exciting. As always, we did our calendar, wrote numbers on our caterpillar’s tail, we danced and sang different songs like ‘The floor is lava’ ‘Where is my finger’ ‘You’re my sunshine’, and We explored reading books.

Our small group sessions…

Literacy Mondays, we went through the phoneme and got to focus on the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, and Ff. We let our friends practice these letters with the right phonic using flash cards. We encouraged them to sound out letters turn by turn. They tried their best to sound out each letter properly.

Wednesday was our Music, and movement day, we did musical chair altogether. All of us were delighted to do it actively! Some of our friends did not understand the rules at first but through practice and all our friends were involved actively! Playing musical chair helps us to be concentrated and lets us follow instruction.

Journal Thursdays, all our friends were involved in writing their story. Some of our friends shared their story by saying ‘I drew a giant cookie’ ‘I drew my house full of flower’ ‘This is the rainbow flower’.

We had also got a special Art class on Thursday too, we collected some used papers to make a car, we sticked some tissue on an empty tissue box and four wheels. Finally, we were astonished to get a car!

Friday was our Science day,We explored about our sense organs.Each of our friends got to touch and talk about the names and function of our five sense organs.Here most of our friends at pre k tried to identify the names of our five sense whereas the Kindergarten friends explored the names and the functions too!

Our weekly plan

Monday – Literacy

Tuesday – Mathematics

Wednesday –Music and movement

Thursday – Journal and Art

Friday – Science and Library

Our specials

Thursday – Art

Friday – Library

Quick reminder

  • Please don’t forget to return the library folders on Friday. Books won’t be checked out after. Thank you!

Tasks to do at home

  • Read books with your child

  • Ask your child what the moral of the story is

  • Talk to your child about his\ her day at school

Have a marvelous weekend!

PreK and Kindergarten team!


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