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This week in Preschool class

Dear parents,

The children love the outdoors.This week we did most of our activities out side because the weather was beautiful. We especially loved our outside music and movement class. The children came up with hard yoga poses but we managed to pull it off!

Next week school is will be closed from 16th- 20th of October for fall break. We hope you have a wonderful fall break!!

Please take time to visit the camping and the ocean center and the progresses the children made. We are so proud to see the development in both centers!

Large Group

We continued our explorations with shapes see if we could recognize them and call their names. The children enjoyed sorting the different shapes at small group times and making shapes using paper plates in Art studio. We love to sing in preschool class! Our favorite songs are, The freeze, Ali baba's Farm and Head,Shoulders,kness and toes.

Small group

This week for our exploration, we had Literacy, Math, Light-box, and library. We worked on exploring with different materials in each exploration areas.

Work time

The children enjoyed going to the different work time centers. The centers we had for this week were Magnets and Puzzles, Cars and Trucks, Camping and Ocean.

After the break

Monday- literacy (Letter Matching.)

Tuesday- Light box (Science) Wednesday- Journals (Sharing Stories)

Thursday- Math (Ice cream Math)

Friday- library


  • On Thursday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art.

  • We have library on Fridays, please return library folder on Friday so your child can choose another book.

  • Please be respectful of our pick up times and help us have smooth daily routines. Lunchtime pick ups (from 12:00-12:30) afternoon pick ups (from 3:00-3:30) if you have any questions feel free to contact us during school hours.

Have a great break!

Negede, (+251 911 96 8881)

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