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Two Weeks of Fun and Learning In The Infants Class!

Dear Parents,

We had an exciting and fun-filled two weeks in the Infant Class! From exploring creative art activities to engaging in dramatic play, our little ones have been busy discovering, learning, and growing.

Happy Birthday Leul

Large Group

Over the past two weeks, our large group sessions have been filled with excitement and joy! We start each session by gathering in a big circle and singing our cheerful "Good Morning" song. The children eagerly wave their hands and happily greet their friends and teachers, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Then, we move on to the attendance activity, which is always a hit! Each child takes turns sticking their picture on the attendance board independently, a fun and engaging way for them to feel included and recognize themselves.

Music and Movement

Our music and movement sessions have been delightful lately! We start with a "sit down" song, creating a calm and focused atmosphere. Then, we give the children a chance to choose their favorite songs, like the "Alibaba farm Song" and "If You're Happy and You Know It". They enjoy following the directions and listening to the music carefully. Afterward, we stand up and dance to a free movement song, moving energetically and joyfully. The kids love expressing themselves through movement, and it’s wonderful to see their excitement and coordination grow during these activities!


Our recent gymnastics sessions have been full of energy and learning! We began by placing shapes like triangles, circles, and squares on the floor. The children excitedly jumped or walked on the shapes, exploring movement and coordination. As they moved, some of them confidently called out the names of the shapes, like saying “circle” with a big smile. It was a wonderful way for the children to practice their gross motor skills, learn shapes, and have lots of fun, all at the same time!

Washing Bicycles

The infants class had an educational and engaging experience washing our school bicycles. To get started, we prepared all the necessary materials, including a bike, sponges, a water packet, and art smocks to keep the children clean and dry. We then introduced the activity to the children, explaining the steps and showing them how to use the materials.

As we started washing the bikes, the children were very excited and eager to participate. They took turns using the sponges and water, thoroughly enjoying the sensory experience of scrubbing and splashing. The activity not only kept them entertained but also helped build their motor skills, coordination, and teamwork as they worked together to clean the bike.


As usual, the children had a wonderful time in art class. Recently during small group sessions, we have been focusing on shapes. Our latest shape of interest has been the triangle! To seamlessly integrate art and math, the children used green paint to stamp triangle shapes onto paper. They were very excited to participate, recognizing the triangle shape as they worked. The children were happy and focused throughout the activity, enjoying the process of creating and learning at the same time. It was a fun and successful session!

Art class the following week was another exciting and creative experience for the children. We introduced easel painting by setting up papers on the easels, along with a variety of paints and brushes. Each child embraced their creativity, smudging paint and selecting their favorite colors to express themselves on the paper. The children were highly engaged and enthusiastic as they painted.


The science activity this week was both fun and educational for the children. We began by preparing ice with different vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, corn, broccoli, and strawberries, and placed them in cups filled with water before freezing them. Once the ice was ready, we introduced it to the children, removing the ice from the cups to show them what was inside.

The children were curious and excited as they explored the ice. They closely observed and identified the fruits and vegetables they could see, eagerly naming items like "strawberry" or "carrot”. As they worked to break the ice, they used their hands and tools to extract the fruits and vegetables. When they successfully found something, they exclaimed, "I found it!" and proudly showed their discoveries to their teachers and friends.


In the library session, the children first had the opportunity to choose their favorite books. After selecting, they found a spot to read either by themselves or with friends. At the end, they selected a book to take home, fostering a love for reading and sharing stories.


The math activity is going well. Over the past weeks, we worked on recognizing shapes like circles and squares. For the past two weeks, we focused on the triangle shape. First, we introduced the triangle shape to the children, helping them identify its features. Then, we read a shape book to reinforce their understanding. After that, the children engaged in a hands-on activity where they stuck small triangles onto a big triangle. The activity was fun and interactive, and the children enjoyed exploring the triangle shape while developing their fine motor skills and shape recognition.

Have a nice Christmas break! We hope you all have a beautiful, restful time with family. For those joining our Christmas break camp, a friendly reminder that the dates for the camp are December 23-January 3!




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